Friday, 21 September 2018


I am learning to use all my strategies independently. I am able to read the book independently and I can find the main ideas in the text.

"I can read faster because I read carefully" said Hadi

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Measuring Fun

We were learning to compare similar objects that differ only in length. We were experimenting  with learning to measure with non-standard units.  We were learning to have an accurate starting and finishing point when we measure and use measuring language. 

"It is important to count carefully. I think measuring is a bit easy."

Phonics Time

Phonics lessons are a very important part of our Writing programme.
As I get more confident I try tricker things. In this photo I listened to a dictated sentence and then tried to write down what I heard and put in the correct punctuation. 

"I have to remember to always  do fullstops and capital letters and finger spaces. I am doing very well at this."

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Rocket ship

We have been learning about the solar system this term.  We made a rocket with paper and a straw then blew through the straw to see how far our rocket would travel.